Love is so much more than just love

Love is love. I believe that. I believe that in the sense that individuals can love who they love regardless of their sex. But that’s not the context I’m referring to here. Continue reading

Why I actually care about the Columbian

I am going to be honest – if you had asked me about 2 weeks ago what I thought about the Columbian, I’d probably just not respond, or point out that I don’t read the paper.But, after visiting the Columbian with my multimedia journalism class, I have a new view.
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So, you’re all for “equality,” huh?

As you all know, equality is something I am very passionate about. I believe in full equality for all individuals no matter how they identify with regards to, well, anything – religion, sexuality, orientation, gender identity, etc. But there is one thing about the majority of my fellow equality-seekers that I cannot seem to understand.
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Well, if nothing else I learned a few things

For my communications 333 class we have been working on multiple projects. We recently closed our video section and began our mobile section. At the end of our video section, I had a few points I wanted to make up to bump my grade up a little. So, after discussing it with my professor, we agreed upon an event that I could cover for some extra credit.

Well, I failed.

BUT, I learned a few things about video production.


  • I took the one battery that I knew fit the camera I was using. The battery was fully charged, but I didn’t think about the fact that this was an hour long eventĀ andĀ I wanted to get some interviews after. Needless to say, the camera died before the event even ended.

2. KNOW YOUR EQUIPMENT (which might help you avoid #1)

  • I hadn’t used this camera before, so I wasn’t entirely sure what I was even doing. Bad move on my part! I figured “I know how to use a camera, I’ll be fine.” But I was wrong. I think it took me a good 5-10 minutes before I figured out how to record instead of take a picture. Plus, if I’d known how to use the camera and been familiar with it, I might have realized the battery wouldn’t last through all of the event.


  • I had a “big plan” of how the whole event would go and what my piece would look like…in my head. I think if I’d had a plan written out, I wouldn’t have felt as flustered and could have gotten better footage overall. I think if I just had a solid sentence stating my goal of the piece, I could have done a lot better.


  • Sometimes sticking so closely to your original plan hurts you. Be willing to take shots you hadn’t planned on getting (once you have enough content as is) and have some fun with the camera angles, interviews, etc. After the fact, it looks like I’ll be able to make a better audio piece than video piece with the content I have. That’s a HUGE change from the start! So, I’m just needing to be flexible and use the best content I have to the best of my ability.

There you have it, 4 things I learned from my failed attempt at an extra credit assignment! But, maybe it will be good in the end – I haven’t produced my final piece yet, so we will see!